
Tip of the Month
October 2003

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Make Shift Turn Off Caps Lock

I find it a lot more convenient to have the Shift key release the Caps Lock function, as typewriters do. Windows 2000 offers this option during installation, but most people never notice it. With Windows XP, the feature is available from the Control Panel, but only when you install another keyboard layout during installation. I have tracked down a way to control this setting after the fact by manipulating the Registry.

In the Registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Keyboard Layout, create a DWORD value named Attributes, if it isn't already present. Double-click on it, then choose Hexadecimal, and set its value to 00010000. Now, when you press and release the Shift key while the Caps Lock is active, Caps Lock will turn off.

By Neil J. Rubenking, PC Magazine

